Classic Red Roses Bouquet
Classic Red Roses Bouquet
Our Classic Red Rose Bouquet is the epitome of timeless elegance and romance. Featuring a collection of stunning, smaller headed freedom deep red roses, this arrangement radiates passion and beauty with each carefully selected bloom. The rich, velvety petals are complemented by fresh, vibrant greenery, creating a simple yet striking design that speaks volumes. Perfect for any occasion, from anniversaries to heartfelt gestures, this bouquet is a classic symbol of love and affection that will leave a lasting impression.
All our bouquets come wrapped in biodegradable cellophane and tissue.
We are a bespoke florist which means no two bouquets are the same, we will endeavour to stay true to the style and look of your bouquet.
The picture shown is 12 red roses. Choose between 6 or 12 roses.
Additional Information
We are a bespoke florist which means no two bouquets are the same, we will endeavour to stay true to the style and look of your bouquet. Due to seasonal flowering our florists reserve the right to replace flowers in this bouquet where necessary. All bouquets are made fresh by us in our shop based in Whitstable.
Delivery – all orders are available for same day local delivery or next day nationwide delivery (only available Tuesday to Friday, other delivery terms apply, see delivery page).
Please feel free to contact us on 01227 277 100 if you wish to discuss your requirements or order your bouquet over the phone.
Photos taken by Matt Ebbage Photography.